Kehilat Pozna | Tel Aviv

Tel Aviv

Vacate & Build | Committee Approval
Units to be Vacated: 126| Units to be Built: 378

The Project

A Vacate & Build project being undertaken by Gabay Income-Producing Properties & Development, part of the Gabay Group. The project is located at the intersection of Kehilat Kyiv Street, Kehilat Riga Street, Mivtsa Kadesh Street, and Kehilat Pozna Street. It includes two 19-story towers and a low-rise 7-story building, all on an area of approx. 14,000 sqm. This unique project will involve vacating 126 apartments and building approx. 378 new apartments in their place.

Architects: Canaan Shenhav Architects
Project Address

4 Kehilat Pozna Street, Tel Aviv

Sales Office

2 Kremenetski Street, Tel Aviv

Sales Manager

03-5612055, Ext. 251

Project Location

For more details and to arrange a meeting:

פרטיך נקלטו בהצלחה